Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Life

Hello World!

Short note about Us. There is Myself, My Husband and Our Daughter (she is 12). We live in a beautiful area of the USA. Funny how sometimes you don't realize how amazing your home town is until you see how many people would give anything to live where you do. They save up for a vacation to the places you can visit anytime you walk out the front door. Some people get few moments in their busy lives to stop and realize how truly blessed they are.
I am not talking about what they have, Unfortunatly some people view their blessings by "Money Worth". i.e "I have a huge house, Nice new car, Shop all I want. I am blessed". I say WOW! if that is how you believe God Blesses you, You are so wrong!, But I am not making this blog to right off the bat make people think I am better then them. Just a regular Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Friend to many.
Little history about Me. I am the youngest of 9 children. I have what some would call a huge heart that gets me in to trouble. Not bad trouble the kind of trouble that only hurts me in the end. Some ask me all the time "When are you going to learn to be aware of people?". God only knows that. I feel every person who enters my life is placed there by God. I don't always know why and to tell you the truth most of the time I don't know why. I know there is a reason though. Is it to teach me something? To have me teach someone else something? I have no idea. I just take what he gives me and work with it. Though some cases it takes years to get over the hurt, But in the end I am stronger for it.
My life has had some serious ups and downs. Now my focus is on My Family and with the importance of raising My Daughter to be a future human being, Not just another person walking through life.So this blog will have some of my Past, Present and Future. My worries, Some possible anger as I work through things more if I type them down and just click enter, Enter helps me feel better and I don't think I am the only one who feels this way. It is as if all my problems are not spoken to be advised to. More spoken to be flying out there in space somewhere. Hang on this could be a great ride..... Well I think my life is a great ride. Good or Bad I love my Life and the many people in it. So Join me on this trip. *Ü*

P.S I will say this once I can't always spell, So hang in there

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